
Bar Mitzvah trip in Israel

A bar mitzvah trip in Israel allows quality time only for you! From customer research I conducted, parents and children spend only 4 hours together a week! The children are already adults and have their own schedules, you are also busy - the Mitzvah age is the time to strengthen your relationship

מסע בר מצווה בת מצווה בטבע הישראלי הוא מתנה לילדים ולהורים, מתנת חיבור של זמן אחד על אחד בלי הפרעות של מסכים וטכנולוגיה

מזל טוב! הגעתם לציון דרך משמעותי בחיי בנכם או בתכם, גיל מצוות. בדיוק לרגע הזה יצרתי ותכננתי מסע בר מצווה בת מצווה כאן בארץ שלנו. 

There are many ways to celebrate
together and note the time
The special age of Mitzvah.

And what do the boys and girls want? Celebrate with friends at a party...! Of course it's the most fun and very understandable :)

Even when I reached mitzvah age I wanted the same thing.
I often hear that it is very tempting to go on a trip abroad - I also went to Spain as part of my 13th birthday celebrations.

The offer to go on a journey in the Israeli nature
"Born" as a result of the corona virus
during which many people stayed
in Israel and did not go abroad.

I began to see that people see and connect with the landscapes of our country and discover a new world right here under their noses.
At a relatively short drive from home (any drive here in Israel is considered short for me), you can reach magical places in nature!

The proposal is to decide for you to spend time together with your loved ones, in addition to parties and whatever the children want because after all they are... children:) who grow up and have reached transition age according to our tradition.
Here is an opportunity to offer them to join the journey with you, in nature.

The younger generation (as well as the older) has become addicted to screens, computers and phones. I see this in many cases when I work with teenagers and those of Mitzvah age.
Do you also know from your children?
I admit, me too
We become addicted to the phone screen
It is stronger than us when we are alone.
It attracts and affects us very much "one on one".
But what happens when we are together in the face of temptation? (I recommend reading the book by Micah Goodman: "The Attention Revolution: The Digital Age - The Break and the Repair")

זו בדיוק הנקודה שאני רוצה להעביר ולהשיג כשיוצאים אל מסע בר מצווה בת מצווה בטבע.
So what enables the journey to disconnect?
First of all we go out into nature.
There is already space here
Very enabling, diverse and different
from what we know.

In a new space it is possible to invent and define new rules for the group.
Another important thing is that we don't go out into nature alone.
There is a group, there is training and there is guidance.
And at the same time there is an invitation to put cell phones aside.

"Disconnect to connect" to this moment. in nature together.

Of course, you have to prepare in advance for such a move.
I ask and say
A few days in advance before every bar mitzvah trip in Israel
Going to be without cell phones
during the day
ולכן אם יש הודעותדברים דחופים
It is necessary to organize and arrange before then do them before entering the space of the journey.

ועדיין, ברגע הזה בו אני מבקש להכניס פלאפונים לתיקים לקופסת הפאלפונים הקבוצתית – יש חשש ותחושה מוזרה שמשהו מאוד מאוד יקר נלקח מאיתנו:)
הפלא הגדול קורה בפעילות ערב שאנחנו עושים במדורה (מומזנים להיעזר ב: מאמר פעילויות בטיול)
There I hear how useful and perhaps a little strange it was to disconnect from the cell phone.
Here are some such responses I received:
"I didn't believe I would survive without my cell phone"
"I felt much more attentive"
"I thought I would get bored and go crazy"
"Tomorrow I don't want to be with my cell phone neither during the trip nor at night"

When I hear that, I know something significant and important has happened.
היציאה אל מסע בר מצווה בת מצווה בטבע הקנה הרגל חיובי ונחוץ לחייהם של המתבגרים והמתבגרות.

רוצים לצאת לטבע? התקשרו עכשיו

A Bat Mitzvah journey invites you for a few days in which we will support the significant milestone of the transition from childhood to adulthood

If you were thinking about a Bat Mitzvah trip, well done! It is a big investment that requires advance planning, thinking and intention.
Sometimes we get to the time of the Bat Mitzvah and it came to us so quickly... and then at the last minute, we kind of start looking for ideas 

What to do?
When you rush creativity can suffer.
We do what we can. what there is what is accessible
Sometimes what Shabbat Mitzvah asks for...
Our leadership and direction are pushed aside and given a relatively small place in the planning and the defining moment.

The good news is that no matter when we started planning, it's a blessing!
Is it possible to begin to understand what you even want to do during the Bat Mitzvah journey? Who would we like to invite? Friends of the party? Family? both? What is suitable for which activity?

Go to the link to see what I planned on my journey - a Bat Mitzvah journey in the wilds of Israel

The transition from childhood to adulthood can sometimes be difficult.
Who said I was ready to be an "adult"?
What it means? How can you prepare for it?
Who even decided that now is the time? Can we stay a little longer girl?
There is nothing like nature to observe ourselves and these questions.

Imagine that you are reaching breathtaking spaces. quietly. Next to flowing water or in the desert with its endless expanses.
Even without talking and dealing with these questions, something happens.
"Time takes its course" and brings an opportunity like a good run to ask the questions.

Watch the following video, which illustrates the Naturewalk Gil Mitzvah journey in nature:


To reach and support the transition from childhood to adulthood
I created a process that starts with looking back. to tradition. To mother - grandmother - great grandmother and further back many generations.
This is where his Bat Mitzvah journey for truth begins:
Realize that you are not alone now, and you will never be alone - you are surrounded by older generations who support you.

The best example to see
This is through mesmerizing biology!
A woman's body knows how to produce eggs
whose combination and the man's sperm brings offspring into the world.
Unlike a man, a woman produces a certain amount of eggs once - and that's it. no more. 

She develops those eggs
Biologically still as a baby.
Not just a baby - a fetus!
Do you understand what that means? That even when she is a fetus in her mother's womb, a woman has the total amount of eggs she will ever have.
That is, her next generation is produced while she is a fetus.

So there is a mother with her genetic load, and she has a fetus in her stomach where the next generation (ie her granddaughters) is already there.
And so when Shabbat Mitzvah reaches this milestone, it can certainly belong to and receive inspiration from its previous generations -
And if she could, what would she ask her great-great-great-great-grandmother?

What would the grandmother say to her today? What would you advise?
It was said and we go back 500 years! What wise advice could she advise in our lives today?


This was one example of the investigation and discovery and sharing that happen and can only happen as part of a Bat Mitzvah journey in nature :)

הורים וילדים מבלים 4 שעות בלבד ביחד בשבוע! רוצים יותר? ברור! מסעות טיולים בארץ מאפשרים מרחב של שקט, חיבור וזמן איכות משותף בין הורים לנעריםות

For many reasons, it is not easy for most teenagers to spend time with their parents, but trips in Israel (and abroad) can definitely bring you closer.

The kids grow up fast!
Here it has been 12 or 13 years
And he doesn't want to come on a trip anymore
She already has plans with friends…

Just a year or two ago, they came with us almost everywhere, they were enthusiastic about all the ideas and plans we built for the whole family and now, for a Bar Mitzvah trip in Israel, it's as if everything has changed and more so quickly.

On the other side, the parents' side
I have often heard the phrase: "I waited years for my son's bar mitzvah trip"
So now is the time
suitable to make an orderly plan
From a variety of trips in Israel
Built in detail
After doing a thorough research of what do you really want to experience? And only after she is ready to come and propose. 

Go to the following link to see the program of the Gil Mitzvot journey in the wilderness of the Land of Israel that I offer

Not only the children are busy. Parents are busy too.

Children have school, sports and other activities.
Parents have work and other activities.

The children have homework. Parents have jobs.

Kids have dates with friends.
The parents hold meetings with clients, phone calls, and other such tasks. 

Remember: teenagers also want quality time with their parents.
If there is a trip on the horizon, if there is an organized and maintained plan, they will be very excited about it and most likely it will at least make them want to. It will look serious and invested.

The bar mitzvah boy gets time
Expensive and important to explore our amazing country
Within a framework of trips in Israel
and at the same time gets a chance to spend quality time with his parents.

The State of Israel is a unique combination
of modernity and ancient traditions
Which makes it an ideal destination that is just right for a Gil Mitzvah trip. 

Many people travel from around the world to enjoy the beauty, history and culture of Israel.

It is true that we have a very small country
But that doesn't mean she's easy to investigate.
There are so many places to see and things to do

So that it is true and important
To plan correctly in order to have the quality time with our beloved children.

Why is everyone so busy?
We live in a world where we are constantly connected to smartphones
Our laptops and tablets.
We check them at least
100 times a day
And yet we always feel like we're not keeping up. 

Excursions in Israel that last more than one day "scream" for us: put cell phones aside. Come and enter the quiet time gate.

רוצים לצאת לטבע? התקשרו עכשיו

טיול בר מצווה מאורגן בארץ מאפשר משהו שאי אפשר למצוא בחו"ל – חיבור למסורת שלנו ע"י ביקור באתרים מיוחדים שאפשר למצוא רק כאן.

"The time has come to plan an organized bar mitzvah trip in Israel and I don't know how to plan and where to start

Clients often tell me this and ask for help organizing this important and meaningful trip -

I know it is sometimes
In people who don't travel much in general
And even if so, now it is necessary
choose the important places
most out of a large variety of options. 

I have collected some tips and questions that will help you plan an organized Bar Mitzvah trip in Israel:

  1. Decide the length of the trip
    It can be a few hours, a whole day, several days including accommodation.
    How do you decide?
    Depending on what you want to happen: from my experience, an experience of a process, shared time, calmness and peace on a trip come only after the first day.
    Usually the first day is busier and there is excitement of moving from the home routine to a travel and vacation routine. Take the time to get acclimated to the atmosphere of a Bar Mitzvah trip in Israel.
  2. Does it have to be on the bar mitzvah date or not?
    An interesting option is to celebrate the whole family or friends together on the trip itself, on the original date of the milestone. This is how you build the trip that arrives on the long-awaited day to a special place related to tradition that can only be found here in Israel. For example: Jerusalem, Safed, Masada, Kinneret more...
  3. what is the budget
    I purposely put the question here and not in the first place :)
    Let creativity flow and not be limited by money right now. There are enough places you can go to for free, and have a meaningful experience.
    Want to consult with me? Click here (link that will lead to the contact information page)


  4. Weather
    It is important to make sure that the trip you have planned matches the weather. Be flexible to changes in case of rain or extreme heat.
    It happened to me once that travelers planned an organized Bar Mitzvah trip in Israel and as part of it they arrived at Masada in the middle of August!
    It is forbidden to go up due to heat stress and therefore they missed the visit. Please verify this.
  5. Should I hire a guide or not?
    Good question even though I am a guide and my answer will be obvious...
    I think that taking guidance always adds and enriches. It's just important to pay attention and make sure that the instructor is indeed suitable for the age and place.
    Age means that they knew how to talk to both children and adults.
    Guidance can enrich the experience and it is not mandatory to take guidance for the entire trip but to choose certain parts of the trip that will be guided.

רוצים לצאת לטבע? התקשרו עכשיו

  1. In conclusion,

There are many different options
of a Bar Mitzvah trip in Israel.
Some include tradition, heritage and rituals
While others focus on fun activities like hiking, attractions and more.

I believe in "both and" in order to create a variety of options for everyone who comes, especially for children.
You don't have to take a company to have an organized Bar Mitzvah trip in Israel, you can also do it alone! I am here to assist.

Looking to do something meaningful? There are many ideas for a Bat Mitzvah trip in Israel that will suit your worldview and the values you want to pass on to the next generation

For many parents, planning and thinking of ideas for a Bat Mitzvah trip to Israel can be stressful and oppressive.
There are so many decisions to be made and so many details to consider before the big day arrives!
Here I will try to give 3 main ideas
and ways of thinking that can help.

  1. The trip does not have to be in Jerusalem
    We have so many in Israel
    Significant and interesting places to visit
    How much fun to go out together!
    in a small group (approximately up to 15 participants)
    Large groups are also possible
    It's a great way to meet new people and places and get to know the country together. 

It is possible to plan the tour so that it combines "both": both Israeli history and culture, and nature trips. Both a visit to factories that produce "blue and white" products and also volunteering in associations...
Of course it is important that the activity be
Adapted to your daughter's interests and personality. 

  1. Consider visiting sites and attractions related to what your student is studying (for example, a national park related to her Bat Mitzvah project)

This is a great way to start planning.
This way you will be involved in what your child is learning
or doing root work on a location or topic
which can certainly be combined in a joint trip.
In this way, school projects will come up with more ideas for a Bat Mitzvah trip to Israel.

2. Include activities for all family members, including parents and siblings if they also come on the trip
You all go on a trip! And it's a lot of fun and a great opportunity to be together.
After you have thought about places and what your daughter would like and why she is connected (in full cooperation with her), I also suggest thinking about the other participants.
It's good to talk and share the program with them as well as hear what they think (not too much :)) but so that they feel comfortable with the program and that they are more than just "guests". 

If younger siblings arrive
It is worth including activities that will suit them as well
Because their enjoyment and everyone else's affects the entire course of the trip.
Even adults deserve to enjoy
with free time in the evening. 

To summarize in a nutshell, a trip takes us out of our comfort zone, allows everyone to ventilate and enjoy together, and the earlier you start planning, the more ideas will come for a Bat Mitzvah trip in Israel and you will arrive at the implementation of a perfect Bar Mitzvah trip in Israel!
