
Customized trip planning

This is how custom travel planning made me enjoy every moment of the days off I took from work!

זו ההרגשה הכי טובה בעולם: לצאת לטייל כשיש חופש מהעבודה! כדי לא לפספס כלום, תכנון טיולים בהתאמה אישית יעזור לכם להיות רגועים ולדעת שהכל הולך כמו שתכננתם. 

what could be better
Than to get, for example, a week off from work?
pleasure! you deserve it!
The problem is that it never is
Doesn't seem long enough…

For me, the days off are precious family time.

(In the picture I am Eve and our daughter Kama, we went out for quality family time in the forest)

There are vacations with the family that I take care to plan and there are spontaneous vacations.
In the next article I will write a little about my experience in Israel as a qualified street teacher.
what did i learn What is important to plan? What does "customized" mean? What do I do when I go on vacation?
have fun

Guided tours in Israel made me fall in love with Israel all over again! So many new and interesting places that are right here, right under your nose...

Even though my profession is a tour guide, I am constantly looking for guided tours in Israel by a qualified guide who has undergone professional training, who has researched and knows the destination inside out. This way I become a much better guide - and I feel that it is right and important to also be on the "other side" of the guide and not Always as a guide.
It gives me motivation and energy to reach the next group and give 100% of myself.

So here is one point I want to convey:
I know I'm on a good tour
if i feel 
that I am like a tourist in my own city.

Believe it or not, it still surprises me every time.

I remember going on a guided tour and coming back I said: "I can't believe I haven't been here before. The views were amazing, and the guide took us to one of the most beautiful places in Israel. I have to come back here again."

After all, Israel is a small country
עם אוכלוסייה של כ- 9.5 מיליון איש (וברגעים אלו ומעלה…) ושטח קטנטן…
And yet we have
So much to offer in terms of
Nature, historical sites, urban sites, interesting people.

The diversity here is great, and this is what makes trips in the country so special, and especially guided trips in the country. 

There are parts of Israel that we will simply never reach on our own if we don't go on a guided tour.
How many of these can you think of? 

From the desert to the beach
From the mountains to the valleys
From ancient sites to modern cities and everything in between:
There is always something to discover.

In recent years I have come across a huge variety of guided tours in Israel.
There are guided tours on so many topics: architecture, history, people, culture, art and more...

Especially in the Corona era
People rediscovered our country.
On a guided tour you get to see the city
From the point of view of someone who lives in it
Living the place all the time.

A few years ago I lived in Jaffa and started wandering around the city. I discovered an amazing gem, which I turned into a fascinating tour! I lived very close to the tour site, the area was below my house.
I was there every day. I knew the people who lived there. I knew the business owners. I walked around there at different times during the day, and that's how day by day the people started getting to know me too.

In small talk with some of the guys, I heard the most beautiful and most formative stories, which I passed on to the guides... 

You know, stories stay with us forever...
I basically became a member of the house.

Then the corona virus broke out and the tour was shut down.
I moved to Pardes Hana
But the place remains deep in my heart. 
I loved him and the people so much. 
But I could not continue the tour any longer. 


Because I wasn't there. I no longer felt like a member of the family. 
I didn't feel as connected to the place as I used to because I wasn't there often, so I stopped taking tours there. (There are of course other guided tours in Israel, leave details here to be updated).

This is an example of how strong the connection of a local guide is with the place where he is a guide.
Recently, I went back to walking around Jaffa and the tour is again relevant and active - don't miss it. 

The guides know the cities
theirs from the inside and can tell you
Things you will never discover on your own.
In conclusion, I'm sure that guided tours in Israel will make you fall in love with all the good things we have here! 

In preparation for time off from work, it is recommended to plan customized trips to make the most of the time off and return to work refreshed.

In the past when I was younger I remember seeing people doing customized travel planning and I didn't understand why? I thought it took away and canceled all the spontaneity and fun of the trip...
Over time I realized that it really depends on who and when.
When I went on long trips around the world

I didn't plan almost anything except the flight.. 🙂
I traveled for six months in the USA 
And I didn't plan anything
בקישור למטה תוכלו לקרוא על טיול הליכה ארוך שעשיתי בארה"ב של חצי שנה ברגל שנקרא: Pacific Crest Trail, PCTׁׂ

So it really really depends on where you are going, how long did you take off? Because on a trip of six months there is a lot of room for flow and I think that even on short trips of course there is room for flow but you should consider planning some of it.

When planning customized trips
It is important to prioritize your main goals for the trip. 
After all, you can't do everything in one trip
Especially if there really isn't time for everything

And here you have to make decisions and set priorities.
I have collected some tips that I hope will help to do this:

  • Will you really do it all?
    It is important to make sure you are not overloading. It is better not to plan activities that seem impossible like visiting three museums in the same day...
    It's okay to be creative and ambitious, but also make sure there's enough time and energy to enjoy what you've chosen.
  • It is important to make sure that the style of the trip you have built matches the goals. What does that mean?
    If you want to refresh yourself, don't go to an all-inclusive hotel where it is likely that most of the treats will leave you stuck there all day - instead, try to book a hotel/guest house/hostel that is closer to nature, to the open spaces. There are hotels and hostels that offer yoga, pilates, meditation classes.
  • How do you like to travel?
    Every traveler has different priorities.
    Some people want peace and quiet while others want to be surrounded by other travelers.
    Some people want to see as many tourist attractions as possible while others prefer to spend time in nature...
    If possible, try to write what is your preference? How do you like to travel?
  • Custom trip planning will help you plan ahead and prevent financial problems that may be caused by spending too much money on things you didn't know you would spend on. With the help of proper planning, you will know exactly how much money should be spent on each activity.

In conclusion, try to consider all or most of the options before you before making any decisions. 
Planning customized trips is first of all a creative process. Treat it like a work of art, and you are the artists :)

What is the difference between a customized trip and a regular trip? You can go on the exact same trip, but it will look completely different

Is the first thing that probably comes to your mind is that the difference between a customized trip and a regular trip is the cost...? (Further in the article there is a section about exactly this, click here or scroll down to read)

A personalized trip is not necessarily luxurious 
It's about creating an experience
has personal meaning for you.

You have the option
choose (alone or together with me) the experience that suits you best.

Planning a customized trip prevents things you don't like and allows you to focus only on what you do. Usually people have the same idea: to get to a new and exciting place! Whether you travel a lot in Israel or not...

The problem with this approach is that it can be challenging
To think "outside the box", off the usual track
and find something truly unique.
The key is knowing where to look
And this is where I come into the picture. 

Before planning any trip with my clients, it is important for me to ask a few questions:

  1. Do you have a purpose for the trip? The answer can be something like: yes, this trip is very important because my husband's birthday was a week ago and I want to go on a trip related to the places where he grew up as a child... and of course the answer can also be no, there is no special purpose. Want to rest and enjoy together the whole family.
  2. How many people are coming?
  3. Is there a specific date?

According to the answers, I already have a very good idea for the beginning of the construction of the trip. Because after the answer there will surely come more questions and little by little the direction becomes clearer and clearer.

Finally, I consolidate the knowledge I have
and what I get from you
(as answers to the preparation questions)
And so an experience is created that gives a sense of security
Stability and calm for the experience! 

On the other hand, in a normal trip where you plan and are responsible for everything from A to Z, there is a lot of room for uncertainty, whether it's places you didn't know and only heard recommendations about, or whether it's a misunderstanding of schedules, etc...
It's not that it's not possible, it absolutely is!
By the way, it is possible to combine a customized trip planning
and your full involvement
In building and thinking about the attractions.
In my opinion, this is the winning combination!

In conclusion, I highly recommend building a customized trip, during which you are involved in the process and on the way to a perfect vacation.

There are so many types of private tours in Israel, you just have to choose...

Although (and maybe because) our country is small, there is a very large variety of private trips in the country!
It is important to do the research and plan the details in advance
I can certainly help, Leave your details and I will get back to you to get an initial direction.

There are fascinating attractions that you don't find out about
There is no way to know that they exist
Although everyone is advertising
It is of course impossible to reach everything.

I mean an initial screening for a certain region of the country: desert (Negev, Arava, Eilat), Upper Galilee, the coastal plain, the Jordan Valley...
from which you can start planning.
Everywhere you can find good food, art, attractions, nature.
I know this from years of experience touring the country.

Over the years, and especially during the Corona period, domestic tourism has developed, and in many places it is necessary to book places in advance.
I'm really happy that there are many private tours in Israel and that people understand their advantages and quality. This is how you get to the best places! 

My advice: if you want a trip of a few days, consider taking a private guide.
You can take private instruction
at specific sites throughout the tour
And you can take a private guide to accompany you
with you throughout the trip and will reach the sites.

Professionally trained guides who will lead you safely along the paths of the country, spice up the trip with interesting stories and tutorials and make sure that you stay: travelers!
No organization headaches
Compliance with the schedule and adherence to the program. 
The instructor will take care of everything.

In conclusion, how fun it is to travel and tour here, in our country!
Today there is such a wide variety of private trips in Israel, through them you will get to know and fall in love with it all over again! 

They asked me to plan a personalized trip and then wrote a comment and recommended it to friends. The travelers who came following the recommendation didn't care at all how much a tour guide costs per day, they just wanted to go for a walk!

From my experience, I suggest dealing with the question: how much does a tour guide cost per day? at the end.

Many people ask me:
"I am interested in booking and joining this tour
But I need to know how much it costs first"

It doesn't come from a place of evasion, God forbid
I am very aware of the great significance of the price
In deciding whether to join or not.
If a trip costs NIS 1,000, it should very well have attractions and experiences that justify the price.
And in general, every trip should have an investment and planning according to the price.

I simply think that knowing how much a tour guide costs per day at the very beginning of the engagement, without understanding the nature of the trip and without understanding what *I* would like to receive in it, may cause a wrong judgmental decision ("It's too expensive for me, I've met much cheaper guides" \ "It Too cheap and therefore sounds amateurish...")

Way before the price
It is important to understand with myself
Why do I even want to go on a trip?
There are many reasons I can think of.

I would be happy to share with you something that one of the travelers wrote to me:
"I've been thinking about going on a trip for a while now.
It's not that my life is bad or anything, but I feel like it's missing something.
When I think about what I want to get out of a trip, my mind goes back to the benefits of going on a trip.
When you go on a trip, you break your routine - and that's a good thing!
You don't have to do the same things over and over without thinking about them.
It's good to break the routine once in a while
If only so you can see if they need some tweaking or improvement…
Fresh air is another advantage of going on a trip.
The air outside is much fresher than the air inside, which makes it feel like you're breathing life into your body when you go outside.
get out into the fresh air
It also means getting to know new places and new people
around these places.
We have so many places to get to know here in Israel.
And it doesn't matter how much a tour guide costs per day.
You can also go out alone or with a group of friends.
Although it may seem scary at first, going to new places as well as those we have already visited can be very meaningful even if it is for a short or limited time.
Finally, going on trips helps us gain perspective on life in general, and see the big picture and not just mine."

That pretty much sums up everything I wanted to say in this regard :)

Some of the things you get
When taking a paid tour guide
It's transportation and getting to know the place you're traveling to
And of course reaching interesting destinations
that you may not have known before.

In addition, the guide plans the trip times
So that it is enough to see everything
Calmly with rest time, photography, food and more...

In conclusion, travelers come to me from recommendations
who understand what they want
And what is the quality of a trip for them.
They are aware of the fact that it costs money
and are willing to pay for an important and meaningful experience.

In my opinion, the most important question in the order of priorities is: Why is it important for me to go for a walk? followed by how much a tour guide costs per day.

"I can't believe I did it! Without a field trip guide I would never have succeeded"

I heard this sentence from a traveler who was looking for a field trip guide, and came to me.

We went on a 4-day journey for the Golan.
Travel days are long and some are challenging.
The same traveler (I will not mention her name here)
Came to the journey with concerns.
Do you know it?

We all have concerns, excitement, thoughts
before trips and excursions.
Every person and his inner world.
I ask this question
Is there any fear you came here with?

Share how was yesterday, just a few hours before arriving here?
Especially when I'm a field trip guide
It is important to give travelers a platform to express themselves,
You can help each other
And also to see that there are others like me.

Already at the end of the first day she was so happy that she managed to finish the walk.
I think it's not because I was there
It is clear to me that it is because of her
She succeeded because she believed in herself
Was part of a great team
And together we made the journey!

A leading field trip guide and builder of customized trip planning, but the respect and the excellent feeling is everyone's! 
