
We make your dream come true in nature

Equipped with an in-depth knowledge of hiking and hiking trails in the Israeli nature

The most amazing trips that I have guided were created as a result of people contacting me through recommendations from friends, acquaintances and explorers who have traveled with me in nature.

It's amazing to me to discover that people dream dreams and.. work to make them come true! Unique to me even more when it comes to the dream of going for a walk in the Israeli nature.

So, how does it work?

Stay with the dream. Imagine yourself already there.
How does it feel?
Where you are located?
What feeling arises in you when you are there?
who are you with Maybe with good friends, family? Maybe alone?

Level 1

A phone call

They call me and say (for example): "Hey son, I have a dream to go hiking for Israel."


The conversation itself
Brings clarity

After a conversation of 15 minutes on average, I map the needs and abilities.

Step 3

I download the Thoughts for "Ground"

Within a few days I build an operative and clear plan with which you can start:
- Building a clear route
– Training: in which parts training is useful and in which not
- Logistics: ways to get to the beginning of a route, solutions for ending the route and returning to the beginning, and more...
- Equipment: what equipment should and should be taken for a day/two days/more.

Step 4

Set a date in the diary

It is very important to set a date in the calendar when you set off! This is how dreams come true :)

Have you heard of an exciting trip that you want to go on? Do you know exactly what you want?
Maybe you know the direction and want to be precise?
You are welcome to consult \ ask \ offer me ideas for trips

Case stories

In this section I will share a number of stories that illustrate the process of realizing the dream in nature

Step 1: Phone call
"Ben, I came to you after many searches, I really want to fulfill a dream of going for a walk along the Golan.
I heard a lot about this amazing path, and now I feel that there is an opportunity (time, money and leisure) to make it happen.
Only there is one problem - I have no idea where to start?"

Step 2: The conversation itself brings clarity
The conversation between us began with the questions I asked.
First of all, it's important for me to hear why you want to go for a walk?
What draws you there?
What happens during the trip?
When is the most fun to take breaks?
A well-remembered moment from the trip?
Insights that arise during a trip?
It is important for me to know and understand where you have already traveled?
What is the frequency of the trips? Let's say a week? in a month?
What is the average length of walks/trips?

Step 3: I lower the thoughts to the ground
An action that helps me a lot is to record the conversations, then transcribe the important parts.
Thus, step by step I consider all the data and build a plan that suits you personally.

Step 4: Set a date in the diary
I presented the plan to the client and she was happy!
In this case, a month later we went hiking along the Golan Trail.
An amazing group of travelers was formed which I guided in 2 trips (each trip 5 days) from the north to the south of the Golan.

Amazing isn't it?

Photos from the moments when the dream came true:

Step 1: Phone call
"Hey Ben, I saw your post on Facebook.
I am interested in finding out details about a nature trip in honor of my wife's birthday."

Step 2: The conversation itself brings clarity
I was very happy to hear about such an initiative!
How nice that the guy invests, checks and is interested...
One of the first questions I asked was - is the celebration for friends or family?
I see a difference between the two audiences. I adapt the event according to (also) the invitees.
He said it was for friends.
So I immediately pulled out several places that would suit the event. 


Step 3: I lower the thoughts to the ground
An action that helps me a lot is to record the conversations, then transcribe the important parts.
Thus, step by step I consider all the data
and builds a plan that suits you personally.

Step 4: Set a date in the diary
We have uploaded 2 dates that are suitable for the celebration.
After a few days we settled on one of them.
Of course we were in touch a few days before the meeting, I was available for any question that came up along the way.
It was a successful and enjoyable event!
Everyone was delighted!

Step 1: Phone call
I received a call from Gil, who told me that he retired after many years of hard work in management in a successful company in Israel.
Gil told me that he wanted to organize a group of friends and go for a walk along the sea path.
He saw recommendations about the path and was interested in walking along the shores of our country.

Step 2: The conversation itself brings clarity
I asked Gil several questions such as:
What is the age of the participants?
What is the frequency of the march? (Will we walk once a month, maybe once a week)
It was important for me to hear some background on the group.

Step 3: I lower the thoughts to the ground
An action that helps me a lot is to record the conversations, then transcribe the important parts.
Thus, step by step I consider all the data
and builds a plan that suits you personally.

Step 4: Set a date in the diary
We agreed that we would start with one trip, feel the connection between us and decide on the next.
We set a date for the first trip.
I gave the guys all the relevant information and off we went!
The pictures will speak for themselves.

And what about you? Is it time for you to fulfill a dream? go for a walk?

This is the dream / Olav Hauga
This is the dream that we create in our hearts without saying a word:
that something miraculous happens suddenly,
that this must happen,
that time will open before us,
that the heart will open before us,
that the gates will be opened before us,
that the rock will open before us,
that a hidden eye will break into our community,
that the dream itself will unfold before us
and that one morning we sailed without putting into it
A small bay that we didn't know was there all along.

Feel like it's time to go on that trip you've been dreaming about for a long time?